Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Intimate Mystery

To travel within and know is not for me
Though I did ask, how could I not
Dumbstruck by the mystery
To carry one so intimately
Yet so blindly
My body supports his very life
In fact he could take mine from me
And I wouldn’t even know him who’d slain me
His creator is yet again silent
The perpetuator of intimate mysteries
My job is intricately complex and yet innately simple
With vast knowledge of body care I can pretend to make it more
But it’s soul care I care most about
Oh God of wisdom, grant it
This child is yours before if ever mine
I acknowledge you as provider sufficient
I fear not what I know not as my knowledge is not uniquely needed
He’s in your stead and I am content with my allowance

1 comment:

  1. You, my friend, are beautiful and so are these words.
