Saturday, January 28, 2012

Job 1:21

What is innocent today, untarnished

I knew one nearly untouched

Except for the fastening hands of the Creator

I grieve and celebrate in the same peaceful thought

Perhaps you are where I long for

With my tender most precious one

Has he named you I wonder

Our Rohi left all unspoken

And your secrets safe

I am content to wait

You were not crafted for these pursuits


  1. You live up to the explication of your middle name over at right in "About Me". And I love the "Rohi" name-choice you've used in this poem. May He serve as "Rophe" for you, as well.

  2. He is my healer. Thank you Beau Jon.

  3. You are a wordsmith! Beautifully written revealing a beautiful heart. Love you!
