“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents… For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:8-10 NIV
Start snapping your fingers. There are 4 snapped beats a line with the emphasis on the italicized syllable. With your free hand make rapping motions. Have fun.
The Lord spoke up to a reg-ular guy
I’m gonna take you and Sar-ai and mul-ti-ply
But first pack your bags and say good-bye
You’re head-ing out of town to a place near-by
Well A-bram was a bit tongue-tied
His sto-mach full of but-ter-flies
But the Lord’s mes-sage was cut-and-dry
So he made up his mind to do-or-die
I know my God and he will sup-ply
He is not gonna find me stand-ing by
My job on earth is to mag-ni-fy
So Yah-weh Lord be glo-ri-fied
Sar-ai, hon-ey, please do not cry
We’re bust-ing this joint in the twin-kling of an eye
I sold our house to sim-pli-fy
We’re camp-ing in tents un-til we die
A-bram, babe, I know you’re sly
But e-nough of this act you wise guy
You had me for a mo-ment, I was ter-ri-fied
Have you been talk-ing to Ad-o-nai?
Sar-ai, dear, you nailed a bulls-eye
The Lord said move and we will com-ply
From Ur to Har-an to a place near-by
To-mor-row we’re kick-ing out high and dry
As the sto-ry goes they i-den-ti-fied
With heav-en as their home and earth as pass-ing by
They pitched their tents and nev-er asked why
And the Lord saw their faith and was sat-is-fied
A-braham and Sar-ah’s lives tes-ti-fy
That faith in action trusts the Lord and ful-ly re-lies
True o-be-dience is bet-ter than sac-ri-fice
And their cov-enant child led to Je-sus Christ
A-braham and Sar-ah were just reg-ular guys
Who be-lieved in the God who jus-ti-fied
Man-kind through his son who was cru-ci-fied
Un-leash-ing heaven’s bless-ings for you and I
If in your heart you would think to de-ny
That Je-sus was the on-ly modus op-eran-di
In death you will be dis-qual-i-fied
For a life in heav-en with the pu-ri-fied
Now you and I are just reg-ular guys
But by faith our lives too can tes-ti-fy
Our job on earth is to mag-ni-fy
So Yah-weh Lord be glo-ri-fied!
Very cool, Amy!! I love the rhythm, and found myself adding a few triplets here and there :-)