Friday, May 14, 2010


Alone on a rock... coward

Back to difficulty... coward

Breathing in death... coward

Selfishly drowning... coward

But what are you
afraid of coward?

Will isolation, or running,
or addiction, or numbness,
or love lost find you escape?

Is your freedom so easily won
with the world's slave-making vices?

You cater to falsified fears coward.
They will consume you.
Your name is prey.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homogeneity Impossibility

I came upon a white heron as I sat by a pond, two days twice.  Though small in stature from across the waters, he could not hide. His movements emanated. And the thought occurred - that's what I'm to look like just about my business.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saint Nelda

'It's not about
reviving a gift,

it's about
recognizing a gift
that fear is covering.'

Ave to all Mothers

One day a young woman who pondered much in her heart was told without a shred of doubt
'a sword will pierce your own soul too.' (Lk 2:25-35)

As I bow my head and sometimes my knees to thank the Sovereign Lord for the brilliant caretakers he has given so many of us in mothers, in the recesses of my own soul I know that to embrace motherhood is to hear echoes of the same words, for suffering and joy are inextricably related.

Ave to all Mothers
your calling is sacred

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

War Within

Quietness plagues the axiom of my mind
The outer fringes compensate
I think I'm listening
But three's the company
And inner relativity and interdependence
seem failed correlations

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why Dust?

I have a theory
(or at least I'm working on one)
That would simplify life, make it fun

You see,
I've noticed a disturbing trend
Once you dust, you must dust again

The cyclical nature of this task
Should make a person stop & ask

Will I submit myself
to this futile pursuit?
Or break the cycle, challenge, refute!

My life means more than menial jobs
That once are started, can never be stopped

I'm strong enough, I've got the grit
To see a dustball & let it sit!

Why dust? Why clean? Why wash?, I say
Drop that broom; embrace today!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bocca della Verita

Wasted minutes turn hours & hours to days
Complacency is a fool's game

I grow fat & ugly & out of touch
Easily grounded in familiar ruts

I rely on my eyes which cannot see
Trusting my heart which tends to deceive

I brush off the thought that God looks down
As I'm lazily selfishly milling around

Will pain be my prod, will grief give way
Forcing my hand, ensuring I obey

Or will I wise to the task prescribed for me
And respond to a love given so sacrificially

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Brief, unattached
Present quickly past
A life mislived, snapshots
No feature-length stay
As I repossess my way
God to my soul, interrupted
I long for the same
Yet alone fail to gain
Grace, growth, triumph

Monday, April 19, 2010

A New Name

“Cecilia, what on earth are you looking at, child? Get back in that field! Cotton doesn’t pick itself!”

Her voice was shrill, though I knew she wasn’t nearly as mad as she attempted to sound, one hand cocked on her hip, the other clenched into a gnarled fist with a bony dagger of a finger thrust at me from the distance.

I wanted to move, but not towards the field. If it wasn’t cotton, it was carrots, or corn, or cabbage. There was never a lack of something to do. Since birth it was all I’d ever known and I tolerated it well enough. But it didn’t remove the longing. A longing that would sneak out from around a corner and grab my soul, tearing into the center of my being, shaking me with such force I’d give into its calling desires to believe for more. Today I was longing, and had little interest in picking anything.

“You’re a foolish girl,” Mother had told me before she’d become ill and left us. “Just like your father and look where it got him.”

Where had it got him? Did she know? I never had understood the words ‘my father’. ‘My’ only made sense if it was negative. My chores. My ungratefulness. My well-deserved punishment. Surely I didn’t own such a wonderful thing as a father? A father whose face escaped my remembrance, whose voice I couldn’t recall, who I wasn’t sure I’d ever known.

“Cecilia, you know better than to make me come over there!”

I snapped back to reality. Fran wasn’t cutting me any slack today. So I turned my back to the house and trudged toward the field. Even still I couldn’t tear my mind from the man at the front porch. He was like me… no, impossible. His shoulders set confidently below his neck, his back straight. I couldn’t see his eyes, but his profile was aged with a sort of kindness and marked resolve from a strength I had only imagined might exist. I let out a sigh and ran into the field to pick what was not ‘my’ cotton and put the wondering about this stranger behind me.

The next morning the merciless sun had barely begun rising when Fran’s shadow filled the small doorway of the quarters. I mustered a bright “Good morning” and timid smile. She broke routine and headed for the far corner. That drew up a quick knot in the base of my stomach as she stopped right in front of my pallet.

“The master wants you at the house and he said to bring what you own.”

She had to tell me twice before my mind heard the message. My heart plummeted. This had happened before. One month to the day before Mother had become deathly ill, we had been resold! The blood drained out of my face and all became a daze as I carried my small bundle to the oppressive looming house. Wholly lost in despair I failed to see the same weathered gentleman that had me so intrigued the day before standing at the foot of the porch.

“Cecilia?” The name was personal.

I turned abrupt face. Who was calling my name? Then something in my inner spirit gave way, the longing that I daily fought to repress - to be known, to be loved. But I didn’t see anyone except yesterday’s stranger. Had he just called my name? I lifted my eyes to an unfamiliar face belonging to a man who fell to his knees weeping with tears as he reached for… me?

What was happening!?

My world was spinning, but I caught myself daring to believe. Could this be? How could he know me when I didn’t know him? How had he found me? HAD HE BOUGHT MY FREEDOM?! Instantly I understood those formally elusive words with such personal intensity I wondered how I’d ever doubted them.

I wanted to say so many things but was struck utterly mute. Then as if a dam burst forth, floods of words filled my mouth, but all my spirit wanted to do was cry out his name!


“… God sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, and the Spirit cries out, “Father.” So now you are not a slave; you are God’s child…” Galatians 4:6-7 NCV

Kids Rap: 'Faith Like Abraham'

“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents… For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:8-10 NIV

Start snapping your fingers. There are 4 snapped beats a line with the emphasis on the italicized syllable. With your free hand make rapping motions. Have fun.

The Lord spoke up to a reg-ular guy
I’m gonna take you and Sar-ai and mul-ti-ply
But first pack your bags and say good-bye
You’re head-ing out of town to a place near-by

Well A-bram was a bit tongue-tied
His sto-mach full of but-ter-flies
But the Lord’s mes-sage was cut-and-dry
So he made up his mind to do-or-die

I know my God and he will sup-ply
He is not gonna find me stand-ing by
My job on earth is to mag-ni-fy
So Yah-weh Lord be glo-ri-fied

Sar-ai, hon-ey, please do not cry
We’re bust-ing this joint in the twin-kling of an eye
I sold our house to sim-pli-fy
We’re camp-ing in tents un-til we die

A-bram, babe, I know you’re sly
But e-nough of this act you wise guy
You had me for a mo-ment, I was ter-ri-fied
Have you been talk-ing to Ad-o-nai?

Sar-ai, dear, you nailed a bulls-eye
The Lord said move and we will com-ply
From Ur to Har-an to a place near-by
To-mor-row we’re kick-ing out high and dry

As the sto-ry goes they i-den-ti-fied
With heav-en as their home and earth as pass-ing by
They pitched their tents and nev-er asked why
And the Lord saw their faith and was sat-is-fied

A-braham and Sar-ah’s lives tes-ti-fy
That faith in action trusts the Lord and ful-ly re-lies
True o-be-dience is bet-ter than sac-ri-fice
And their cov-enant child led to Je-sus Christ

A-braham and Sar-ah were just reg-ular guys
Who be-lieved in the God who jus-ti-fied
Man-kind through his son who was cru-ci-fied
Un-leash-ing heaven’s bless-ings for you and I

If in your heart you would think to de-ny
That Je-sus was the on-ly modus op-eran-di
In death you will be dis-qual-i-fied
For a life in heav-en with the pu-ri-fied

Now you and I are just reg-ular guys
But by faith our lives too can tes-ti-fy
Our job on earth is to mag-ni-fy
So Yah-weh Lord be glo-ri-fied!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Surrounded by uninterpretable tongues

Crowded ramblings
to a deaf mind

I listen against my will

Hearing without the ability to engage

Denied decoding

Friday, April 16, 2010


Put away your wives and children
So that you may be forgiven

You selfish pigs
You think
you're holy now

Distancing yourself from pagan women
Returning to a
'true religion'

You spineless fakes
You call this right somehow

Disillusioned and depraved
Dishonorable, disengaged

You cowardly shells
You act a righteous row

Though your justice scoffs the name
My forgiveness is unchanged

You are my remnant
I am my sacred vow

(Ezra 9-10)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mi Madre

If only I could remember the things of innocent yester-years
My mother's words, her intuitive way of placing my hand and heart
In the very palm of her child's Creator's
The memories are gone
But the underlying truths persist
Even if buried to my present mind's eye
I wish again my childlike faith
Communion, trust, vision, obedience
Wouldn't I be a fool today
Yet I think I am the fool to have
loosened my grip and shifted my gaze
No measurable gains
Lord, return to me a child's grace

Second-chance Fool

Who is the servant who has buried her talents

I am married to the man who was given 10

Whose prompt investments find rich dividends

I am the servant with shovel in hand
Whose merciful Lord speaks 'unearth, start again'

justice via judge du jour

Reasonability is subject
to many unreasonable judges

A provocation to some
is simple duty to another

(pictured Wallace on
Edinburgh's Castle front)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Purity Perversions

Cover, paint, distract, glamorize

Hiding with layers or without

Personal perception or hopeful portrayal

Is nakedness possible without shame,
guilt, fear or perversion

Is Garden purity reattainable

Life without accessories

Andy's Moment

Unsought moments which allow a witness to true selflessness

instantly remind a heart of what it
should be and
how beautiful it is.

In purity its effect
is gravitating
more predominantly than convicting

with little self awareness of exuding influence.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Perfectionist Curse

There are rules I live by
pre-approved boundaries
An understanding for how my body works
in 90 minute sleep cycles.
But good things easily corrupt
and with knowledge comes power
and ironically with power
a destructive will to bully even the lesser me.
Nearly an edict for 270 minutes one night turn into 720 another.
My higher mind allows the weaker will
and the time corners are rebuilt each night on sand.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Double Standard

'I've never known how to do anything small.'

I've heard myself say it now half a dozen times. Left unchecked self-gloating has a viral life of its own.

An egg hunt that last year welcomed 50, this year hosted well over a thousand. But while the entirety of the rushed preparatory process was 'a God thing', the moment I could see 'success' in others' eyes, I began to realize just how much I had actually done.

God is passed the risk while I let the credit linger.

Ambition vs Calling

When will our amateurs become beauty

Our glaring imperfections flawlessness

How will our search for inspiration find achievement

What will be the difference in the brush stroke, the pen stroke

When was original thought ever original

The path well worn cannot be

Where will fresh inroads lead