Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fear Is Not

What is fear for me?
Confidence that I can misguide myself and others
      perhaps even with help from the enemy
It is distrust in God
It is an acknowledgement that I am inadequate
      but also so is my personal belief in Him
What am I afraid of that He cannot answer?
What enemy do I have, even in myself?
‘Fear not child for I Am with thee’
I fear my distance from His voice
      in a way which seems to validate it
A temptation to worry I feed to growth
For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the law,
      deceives me
But this too my King is conqueror over
And I belong to Him, l’melek
He’s given me such powerful freedom;
      I accept
What is fear?  It is not greater.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


God, my father, became my friend
A friend turned lover was the end
A boy approached the throne above
and asked my lover for my love
God took the hand He’d given me
and placed it in a bond of three
‘My Lord, my God,’ I humbly cried,
‘have you pushed me from your side?’
My heart trembled to think the Lamb
had plans for me apart from Him
Sweet silence was the peace I heard,
then I opened the Living Word
‘My plans for you are rich, believe,
have faith in me as I lead’
Days to months and now ten years
and my beloved I draw near
As I look up to see your face
Christ is what my eyes embrace
A gifted man, an honored son,
a temple for the Most High One
God turned not away from me
Yahweh weaved instead his unity 

Philippians 2:2 ‘…being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit...’

I started this poem a decade ago, so now I write ‘ten years’ and the last two lines.
Happy Anniversary Baby!  I hope you know I love you.