Saturday, January 28, 2012

Job 1:21

What is innocent today, untarnished

I knew one nearly untouched

Except for the fastening hands of the Creator

I grieve and celebrate in the same peaceful thought

Perhaps you are where I long for

With my tender most precious one

Has he named you I wonder

Our Rohi left all unspoken

And your secrets safe

I am content to wait

You were not crafted for these pursuits

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I look in the mirror, whose image do I see
Where is the reflection of my invisible King

Who am I without his breath
Am I the aroma of life and death

Let me will to forgo my gift of choice
Present history speaks to my variable voice

Suffer this request and suffer us not the rest
For I rent our pair of hearts with willful neglect

Monday, January 9, 2012

Loose Hold

My oxygen is hot molasses
I suffocate
Death has its way over me
I feel such hate encamped about
An object of evil wrath
I calm my heart and close my eyes
and fight not for my wasting life
Death is victory.  Death is friend.
But my Creator cares not for this end
The clutch is broken, I gasp fresh air
The evil one and his song despair
is gone, and still not I care
Tomorrow feels my enemy
Death my gain
But He has chosen and my cross I'll bear

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Shall I delight in pain

Clearly seeing myself both sinful and redeemed

No guessing... in pain I know

I can call the demon tempters out, scream my freedom and it is so

I see Christ in me in ways unknown

Redemption transforms a friend from foe

Shall I thank you for my pain

Do you love you so much to grant me this gain

I cry, but I come and I cling

And I know then as ever - you are all I need

In the anguish there is purity I dare not request

But I'd be blind indeed not to recognize the gift

The fool I am

I feel as if to rewrite the Psalms

How would you have me

Deaf, blind, dumb


A fool I am

At your design, your time

I will be had as you will have me

Take me mute, ignorant, broken, poor

I choose your lot for me

Because I love you more

Than other 'loves'

My Lord

I Corinthians 4:10a 'We are fools for Christ...'

Exodus 4:11 'The Lord said to him, 'Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?'

It is you Lord.

Bloody Victor

Love, the great slayer

I am maimed, I am slain

How many deaths can be passed for gain

Vulnerability is pain

Pain is life

Life without feeling is life died

My example is heartless

He gave it up

Over again to be trampled and crushed

How did he bear, how did he stand

He forsook his power, he was just a man

Oh God I am weak, but I'll never be strong

If I harden my heart

I close out all in one

I love not my God if I love not my brother

But who is my mother, my sister, my brother!?!

I know the answer, oh God this is hard

I drink your Spirit, I consume your Word

I love the slain lover as he lives to love

Through me to you, my cries yield to his blood

Learnt at a Loss

This time

though others might say the sin is against me

I choose no offense

Birthed in hate, it is against another

A far more precious one

Let us mourn for sin in myself and others

I am no innocent

Today I know something others debate

Our precious Jesus descended to hell

He knew no sin; he BECAME SIN for us

Separated from his self

Thereby his own 'deeper magic'

We can option freedom

For this, Christ's blood was spilt

He Fled

'No!, Satan, No!

I am NOT alone;

I will NEVER be alone.

JESUS became alone

so I never must be

if I choose.'

I am chosen and I have chosen.